iFixit Award 2016

iFixit gives a award every year to the most repairable phones. This year they gave it again. Which phone won that?

1. Yes, no doubt it's LG G5. The modular design of the phone makes it highly repairable. The phone scored 8/10, so it's comparably easier to fix it's internal parts as well.

2. The next place goes to Google's Pixel Duo (7/10), but it's hard to open the phone without breaking the display.

3. Next place is for the Apple iPhone 7 & 7 Plus (6/10). Repairing the display & battery of iPhones are easier but other parts are hard to repair at home. The phone requires 4 different types of screw drivers.

The most popular phone, Samsung Galaxy S7 & S7 Edge got the last place (3/10). Glue is used more over screws in the phones, so, it's very hard to open the phone at home.

Samsung Galaxy Note 7 is in the upper place of S7 (4/10), but it's banned now.

But does repairability matters? I think no, cause most people takes their phones to cares for repairing. Fixes at home... The % of such people is very low.


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