PUBG by Tencent has been launched back in February for Android this year and achieved a great popularity. It's mainly a Battle Royal Game. But the game does not run smoothly except high end devices although the system requirement is not that high i.e. Android 4.3 Jelly Bean and 36 MB of internal storage. If you have one of those older devices but still want to play the game here's Tencent come to rescue you. PUBG Lite is designed to run on low end devices smoothly. PUBG Lite is almost same as PUBG except two major changes:
1. You face 40 players instead of 100 players.
2. The map is smaller so that your phone has less amount of graphics to render.
Except these PUBG Lite looks, sounds and plays same as the real PUBG. But if you are rushing to download PUBG Lite right at the moment, stop. Because the game is only available in Philippines now. But don't worry it will launch globally soon.

This version may be successful in country like India where majority of the phones have less powerful processor and less amount of RAM. PUBG is also available for PS4, XBOX and PC. But there is no cross platform among them.

The official link to download PUBG Lite is here.

I'll like to inform you about the upcoming Fortnite as well which will give a challenge to PUBG. But Fortnite can only be played on high end devices. Before it's arrival Tencent launched PUBG Lite which seems to be a intelligent decision.


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