Mobile Gaming 2016

Gaming is turning to mobile gaming. This year mobile games generated $40.6 billion (18% more than 2015), half of the total by gaming (Cool!).

Now let's see the continental collaboration:

1. Asia ($24.8 billion)
2. North America ($6.9 billion)
3. Europe ($5.7 billion)
4. South America ($2.4 billion)

What's about game categories? Lets see those on percentage (But one person may play games of many categories, so % is like the following).

1. Puzzle (58%)
2. Action (40%)
3. Simulation (26%)

That's going great, world changing, now every mobile device owner spends 30 min gaming. Android games are playing great role here, 78% of the total.

Games are popular and the popularity is increasing. Now seat back & let's see the extreme.


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